Thursday, September 27, 2012

30 Week Update

I met with the Diabetes Educator at my clinic this morning. Went over carbohydrate counting, free foods, etc. Most of this I knew and had already been abiding by.  I got my official numbers for my 3 hours test.  I was only over 2 points at the 1 hour mark and my 2 hour mark was 2 points under.  So that's where my borderline gestational diabetes diagnosis stems from. I received a glucose meter this morning and an Rx for the supplies.  I have to test four times a day; once before I eat in the morning and then 2 hours after the start of each main meal. My next OB appointment is on October 9th where I'm sure we will review my numbers.  So far today they've been well on the lower side of the normal range.  My morning sugars will likely be the highest.  It's thought I might experience somewhat of the "Dawn Phenomenon" in which my liver releases glucose overnight and elevates my blood sugar.  So the morning fasting sugars should show whether or not this is occurring.

Otherwise things have been going very well!  I'm a little panicked with coursework on top of regular working hours and things to do around the house.  But it also is something I've come to expect to tackle.

How far along? 30 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 13.4 (was 18.3 pounds last week).....I have cut out most ice cream and most sweets the past week in addition to taking stairs again at work.  I've been drinking more water. Also some of the edema I've had on my shins has disappeared, so likely also water weight loss.
Maternity Clothes? yes
Stretch marks? None that are new since pregnancy.
Sleep: comes and goes.  All depends if baby is active at night, leg cramps, if Chloe has a bad night (she jumps onto the bed) or if Mike can't sleep too!
Best moment this week: finding out I can soon start working from home.  The goal is up to four times a week by the time baby is born.
Miss Anything? free time, something I know I'll never get back :)
Movement? crazy child is all over the place, or so it feels.
Food Cravings: still fruit, which is a big no-no right now unless it's for a snack.  No longer included in breakfast!
Anything make you queasy and sick? overeating
Gender Prediction: really NO clue. Back to girl.
Labor Signs: still continue to have Braxton Hicks.  Some days are more than others.  I've become better at recognizing when they are about to start!
Symptoms: Sciatica.
Belly Button in or out? in but stretched!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy.  Occasionally frustrated with things lately as I'm beginning to feel overwhelmed with course work and everything to do before in the house before baby arrives.  I know I could ask for help from friends/family, but then I would likely be home at the same time and still not get my homework I figure just doing it myself is the same thing.
Looking forward to this week: my friend Stephanie's wedding on Saturday!

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