Happy Thanksgiving from our Butterball to you!
is the 38 Week Update: no new changes really. You can see the previous
post for the update of the last OB check up. I have the 38 week check
up tomorrow. I doubt I will see any progress as the pelvic floor
discomfort and pain has waned away now. I'm having fairly regular Braxton
Hick's, but they go away when I nap or go to bed for the night. Just
prepping. I know anything could happen any day, but I'm not holding my
breath :)
How far along? 38 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 20.5 lbs (I've noticed my blood pressure has gone up a little and I have some minor swelling that has gradually settled in my shins (more than before) and hands).
Maternity Clothes? yes
Stretch marks? just on the hips. Not much different than pre-pregnancy.
not really happening. Some nights I'm comfortable, but my anxiety is
creeping up with the anticipation of everything changing soon. Other
nights, low back and hip pain keep me tossing and turning all night.
Every night is different.
Best moment this week: seeing baby Axel!
Miss Anything? gotten used to giving up things. Only preparing for a lifetime of sacrifice, right?!
Movement? Spurts
here and there. Much quieter in between, sometimes I poke my belly to
get baby to move because I get nervous if I haven't felt him/her in a
awhile. S/he gets hiccups several times a day, my right hip typically
takes the 'beating' from his/her back during the bout.
Food Cravings: cereal and apples
Anything make you queasy and sick? nothing right now
Gender Prediction: ???????? Boy???????????
Labor Signs: Sometimes
I begin to wonder. Braxton's
are even more frequent that last week. Occasionally I get them about
5-15 minutes apart for an hour or two, but they remain irregular and
vary in intensity.Other than that, things are quiet for the past week.
Symptoms: minor shin swelling, some hand swelling, linea nigra.
Belly Button in or out? in but stretched!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy, but tired and now very anxious.
Looking forward to this week: A four day weekend to try to finish up the semester for homework, finish off the nursery (geez-getting
to the wire), pack hospital back (yep waiting until the last minute)
and decorating for Christmas. Thought about trying to clean the house,
but I'm trying to train myself that is something that will just have to
go to the wayside at times!
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