Lauren Marie was delivered on December 4, 2012 at 7:12 PM. She weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz. and was 18 inches long. I went in Monday afternoon around 2 PM as I thought I was leaking amniotic fluid. As I was falling asleep during the nonstress test the nurse came in and told me that the test was positive and asked me if I was ready to have the baby!
Of course thinking the test would come back negative I did not bring anything with me. I was admitted around 2:30 PM and made a call to Mike to tell him that he needed to get to the hospital when he could. After 29 hours in the hospital, Lauren made her entrance. Of course that wasn't without complications. She couldn't come down the birth canal without help. I had some surgical help as well as the vacuum in order to deliver her.
She is absolutely perfect!!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
39 Weeks...Home Stretch
Today marks week 39. If you read a few posts back, I hit the weekly marks on Thursday, which actually makes our due date technically 12/6/12. My GP/OB picked 12/8/12 as she liked that date :)
Lots of activity this past week, but nothing to show for it, yet. Contractions picking up and occur all day long, but are not regular by any means. They've been ranging 2 to 45 minutes apart at times and the intensity changes. There have been a few other things that have happened since Friday, but will not write it here to avoid the gross factor. Really, you should be thankful ;)
Next appointment is tomorrow late afternoon 11/30/12. It's likely that if Baby K decides they want to cook longer than 40 weeks, OB will induce me somewhere between our due date of 12/8 and 12/11 as she said she would likely only allow us to go over by a few days with the Gestational Diabetes (and my BP began to creep up at last weeks appointment as well). I won't disclose the actual date when it is determined, just to keep some privacy and suspense.
I'm going to lay it out here....when we do end up in the hospital, we would like the first day to be just family and to allow ourselves to have time to bond with our baby instead of fielding a bunch of visitors. This is of course if everyone is healthy and doing well. It's likely we would allow additional visitors on the second day unless we are one of those families that deliver before midnight the first night and actually end up getting forced out the door 48 hours later. Of course, I will let you know via here, FB or just call/text Mike or I and we will let you know. We would just appreciate a heads up before "popping" in!
How far along? 39 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 20.7 lbs (only gained 0.2 lbs in the past week-likely just baby).
Maternity Clothes? yes
Stretch marks? on hips
Sleep: Every night is different.
Best moment this week: knowing, seeing and feeling that progression is being made and we will soon meet our new family member that will soon turn our world around (in a good way).
Miss Anything? many things but it doesn't truly matter that I've had to give them up at this point.
Movement? Has maybe a half dozen times in 24 hours where there are spurts of activity, otherwise, baby is VERY quiet lately. I've heard they can become extremely quiet right before arrival.
Food Cravings: sweets it's Frosting or Brownie mix (minus the eggs)
Anything make you queasy and sick? Some contractions :)
Gender Prediction: ???????? Boy???????????
Labor Signs: Lots of signs of prodromal labor, but nothing official. If you're curious shoot me a FB message privately or call/text. Don't want to post all here. Just waiting like everyone else :)
Symptoms: minor shin swelling, some hand swelling, linea nigra. In the past week pregnancy Carpal Tunnel has moved in for the remainder of the pregnancy. My hands, especially my right (dominant), go numb very quickly when typing for work, school or doing household chores, etc. Thankfully that will go away after the water comes off.
Belly Button in or out? in but stretched!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy and Emotional...I would not say "moody." I cry just thinking about meeting our baby. I cry at other really random sappy things. But I'm not going from like a manic state to a crazy woman being irrational state by any means!
Looking forward to this week: check up tomorrow because with everything going on this week, I'm really hoping that something is happening 'down there.' Last weekend to get the home prepped for baby's arrival! I cannot believe we get to meet him/her anytime in the next 10 days or so!! AND looking forward to hearing of Baby Schmidt's arrival within the next 6-7 days!!
Lots of activity this past week, but nothing to show for it, yet. Contractions picking up and occur all day long, but are not regular by any means. They've been ranging 2 to 45 minutes apart at times and the intensity changes. There have been a few other things that have happened since Friday, but will not write it here to avoid the gross factor. Really, you should be thankful ;)
Next appointment is tomorrow late afternoon 11/30/12. It's likely that if Baby K decides they want to cook longer than 40 weeks, OB will induce me somewhere between our due date of 12/8 and 12/11 as she said she would likely only allow us to go over by a few days with the Gestational Diabetes (and my BP began to creep up at last weeks appointment as well). I won't disclose the actual date when it is determined, just to keep some privacy and suspense.
I'm going to lay it out here....when we do end up in the hospital, we would like the first day to be just family and to allow ourselves to have time to bond with our baby instead of fielding a bunch of visitors. This is of course if everyone is healthy and doing well. It's likely we would allow additional visitors on the second day unless we are one of those families that deliver before midnight the first night and actually end up getting forced out the door 48 hours later. Of course, I will let you know via here, FB or just call/text Mike or I and we will let you know. We would just appreciate a heads up before "popping" in!
How far along? 39 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 20.7 lbs (only gained 0.2 lbs in the past week-likely just baby).
Maternity Clothes? yes
Stretch marks? on hips
Sleep: Every night is different.
Best moment this week: knowing, seeing and feeling that progression is being made and we will soon meet our new family member that will soon turn our world around (in a good way).
Miss Anything? many things but it doesn't truly matter that I've had to give them up at this point.
Movement? Has maybe a half dozen times in 24 hours where there are spurts of activity, otherwise, baby is VERY quiet lately. I've heard they can become extremely quiet right before arrival.
Food Cravings: sweets it's Frosting or Brownie mix (minus the eggs)
Anything make you queasy and sick? Some contractions :)
Gender Prediction: ???????? Boy???????????
Labor Signs: Lots of signs of prodromal labor, but nothing official. If you're curious shoot me a FB message privately or call/text. Don't want to post all here. Just waiting like everyone else :)
Symptoms: minor shin swelling, some hand swelling, linea nigra. In the past week pregnancy Carpal Tunnel has moved in for the remainder of the pregnancy. My hands, especially my right (dominant), go numb very quickly when typing for work, school or doing household chores, etc. Thankfully that will go away after the water comes off.
Belly Button in or out? in but stretched!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy and Emotional...I would not say "moody." I cry just thinking about meeting our baby. I cry at other really random sappy things. But I'm not going from like a manic state to a crazy woman being irrational state by any means!
Looking forward to this week: check up tomorrow because with everything going on this week, I'm really hoping that something is happening 'down there.' Last weekend to get the home prepped for baby's arrival! I cannot believe we get to meet him/her anytime in the next 10 days or so!! AND looking forward to hearing of Baby Schmidt's arrival within the next 6-7 days!!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
38 week update cont.....
At the doctors appointment there was really no change. That is something that I do expect as a first-time mom at this stage of the pregnancy. There was just a slight more dilation so she could go and sweep the membranes and feel the baby's head. In patients whose bodies are ready to go into labor, this can trigger labor within 48 hours. However since it's very obvious my body is not ready, this was more or less done to help trigger hormones to help progress things a little more with dilation and effacement so we can try to avoid having to be induced. For those who are not aware, induction also carries a higher risk of c-section. I want to avoid that if I can, but I'm also mentally prepared and realize I have a 50/50 chance at that since things are slow and I can't go too far overdue...time crunch a bit.
Due to the borderline gestational diabetes, she did say that she will not likely allow me to make it to 41 weeks. Therefore we have a tentative eviction date after the due date. This will be an induction, but you can bet that I will try to do everything I can to help move things along the way! Although most things do not work as they are old wives tales; there are some that friends actually have some success from a few of them. Feel free to share your tricks!!
Due to the borderline gestational diabetes, she did say that she will not likely allow me to make it to 41 weeks. Therefore we have a tentative eviction date after the due date. This will be an induction, but you can bet that I will try to do everything I can to help move things along the way! Although most things do not work as they are old wives tales; there are some that friends actually have some success from a few of them. Feel free to share your tricks!!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
38 Week Update: Quiet before the Storm
Happy Thanksgiving from our Butterball to you!
Here is the 38 Week Update: no new changes really. You can see the previous post for the update of the last OB check up. I have the 38 week check up tomorrow. I doubt I will see any progress as the pelvic floor discomfort and pain has waned away now. I'm having fairly regular Braxton Hick's, but they go away when I nap or go to bed for the night. Just prepping. I know anything could happen any day, but I'm not holding my breath :)
How far along? 38 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 20.5 lbs (I've noticed my blood pressure has gone up a little and I have some minor swelling that has gradually settled in my shins (more than before) and hands).
Maternity Clothes? yes
Stretch marks? just on the hips. Not much different than pre-pregnancy.
Sleep: not really happening. Some nights I'm comfortable, but my anxiety is creeping up with the anticipation of everything changing soon. Other nights, low back and hip pain keep me tossing and turning all night. Every night is different.
Best moment this week: seeing baby Axel!
Miss Anything? gotten used to giving up things. Only preparing for a lifetime of sacrifice, right?!
Movement? Spurts here and there. Much quieter in between, sometimes I poke my belly to get baby to move because I get nervous if I haven't felt him/her in a awhile. S/he gets hiccups several times a day, my right hip typically takes the 'beating' from his/her back during the bout.
Food Cravings: cereal and apples
Anything make you queasy and sick? nothing right now
Gender Prediction: ???????? Boy???????????
Labor Signs: Sometimes I begin to wonder. Braxton's are even more frequent that last week. Occasionally I get them about 5-15 minutes apart for an hour or two, but they remain irregular and vary in intensity.Other than that, things are quiet for the past week.
Symptoms: minor shin swelling, some hand swelling, linea nigra.
Belly Button in or out? in but stretched!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy, but tired and now very anxious.
Looking forward to this week: A four day weekend to try to finish up the semester for homework, finish off the nursery (geez-getting to the wire), pack hospital back (yep waiting until the last minute) and decorating for Christmas. Thought about trying to clean the house, but I'm trying to train myself that is something that will just have to go to the wayside at times!
Here is the 38 Week Update: no new changes really. You can see the previous post for the update of the last OB check up. I have the 38 week check up tomorrow. I doubt I will see any progress as the pelvic floor discomfort and pain has waned away now. I'm having fairly regular Braxton Hick's, but they go away when I nap or go to bed for the night. Just prepping. I know anything could happen any day, but I'm not holding my breath :)
How far along? 38 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 20.5 lbs (I've noticed my blood pressure has gone up a little and I have some minor swelling that has gradually settled in my shins (more than before) and hands).
Maternity Clothes? yes
Stretch marks? just on the hips. Not much different than pre-pregnancy.
Sleep: not really happening. Some nights I'm comfortable, but my anxiety is creeping up with the anticipation of everything changing soon. Other nights, low back and hip pain keep me tossing and turning all night. Every night is different.
Best moment this week: seeing baby Axel!
Miss Anything? gotten used to giving up things. Only preparing for a lifetime of sacrifice, right?!
Movement? Spurts here and there. Much quieter in between, sometimes I poke my belly to get baby to move because I get nervous if I haven't felt him/her in a awhile. S/he gets hiccups several times a day, my right hip typically takes the 'beating' from his/her back during the bout.
Food Cravings: cereal and apples
Anything make you queasy and sick? nothing right now
Gender Prediction: ???????? Boy???????????
Labor Signs: Sometimes I begin to wonder. Braxton's are even more frequent that last week. Occasionally I get them about 5-15 minutes apart for an hour or two, but they remain irregular and vary in intensity.Other than that, things are quiet for the past week.
Symptoms: minor shin swelling, some hand swelling, linea nigra.
Belly Button in or out? in but stretched!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy, but tired and now very anxious.
Looking forward to this week: A four day weekend to try to finish up the semester for homework, finish off the nursery (geez-getting to the wire), pack hospital back (yep waiting until the last minute) and decorating for Christmas. Thought about trying to clean the house, but I'm trying to train myself that is something that will just have to go to the wayside at times!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
November 16th OB Checkup
Nothing new to report from this check up. No progress in the dilation/effacement/station realm. Group B Strep positive, so will have good ole Penicillin ran during labor and delivery to aid in prevention of transmission to baby (no this does not mean I have strep-that's a different strain-Google it). Blood sugars remain under control. Weight gain is still minimal. As of today, only 18 lbs and likely not to gain much more during the remainder of the pregnancy, although baby will put on about an ounce per day until birth. Still feeling quite a bit of movement throughout the day, but it's in spurts. When the baby is active, it is ACTIVE! Otherwise there's more time in between that is quiet.
Still putting finishing touches on the nursery. Have curtains to hang, shelf to put up and just clean it in general. Otherwise everything is done in there. This Thanksgiving weekend my awesome sister is going to help me get up our Christmas decor since I can't lug the boxes upstairs all by myself and manage to get around the tree without the belly in the way (although I did manage to rearrange the nursery furniture last night-big no no-but it just wasn't working the way I had it!) Then it's just trying to get ahead on homework as finals are the same week we are due and we just don't know what to expect for timing.
Can't believe it's creeping closer. I swear I just found out we were expecting! I know this is only the start of many things that I feel will move too our little one!
Still putting finishing touches on the nursery. Have curtains to hang, shelf to put up and just clean it in general. Otherwise everything is done in there. This Thanksgiving weekend my awesome sister is going to help me get up our Christmas decor since I can't lug the boxes upstairs all by myself and manage to get around the tree without the belly in the way (although I did manage to rearrange the nursery furniture last night-big no no-but it just wasn't working the way I had it!) Then it's just trying to get ahead on homework as finals are the same week we are due and we just don't know what to expect for timing.
Can't believe it's creeping closer. I swear I just found out we were expecting! I know this is only the start of many things that I feel will move too our little one!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Favorite Maternity Pictures
These are the maternity pictures we had taken by Maren Delaney Photography. These are a few faves!
Hope you enjoy!
Hope you enjoy!

Lake Waconia,
Maren Delaney Photography,
natural sunlight,
Parley Lake,
photography natural light,
Waconia, MN, USA
Thursday, November 15, 2012
37 Week Update
Congratulations to Emily S! She had her baby boy Broderick on 11/13/12!!
Had a 36 week check up at 36 weeks and 1 day last Friday 11/9. Since we were heading into week 37, my doctor said that if things were to progress, she wouldn't stop me. At that appointment, I was found to be 50% effaced, dilated to 1 cm and baby was at a station -2 (this is above engagement, engagement is at station 0, and +4 is considered crowning). At that time, I was having some pelvic floor pressure, but nothing horribly uncomfortable.
After the appointment I had contractions and "cramps" for about 2 hours. Since then, the past few days baby has dropped more. The discomfort has now turned into the pain many women describe: the 'bowling ball' lodged behind your pubic bone pain. I know, sounds glorious, but its part of the process and it sounds like first time moms feel it the most. Just means we are ever closer to meeting this little person. My doctor said she could almost feel the baby's head, so I am interested to see what tomorrow's appointment beholds. I realize as a first time mom, I could sit this way for weeks. I also say 'you know your body best' and they way things are happening and what's happening and other things I've been feeling (I won't go into detail-may be too much for some readers), I have a feeling we might see this baby before it's due date. Again, I may likely be completely wrong!
I have the 37 week check up tomorrow (Friday 11/16) and will update again after that.
How far along? 37 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 17.5 lbs (....almost 3 pounds down from last week....)
Maternity Clothes? yes
Stretch marks? just on the hips. Not much different than pre-pregnancy.
Sleep: comes and goes completely. Some nights are great and sleep through the night with frequent repositioning. Other nights, my hips and back hurt so much I want to cry or I'm up every hour going to the bathroom. Completely varies.
Best moment this week: seeing my high school girlfriends. Had such a great time catching up!
Miss Anything? just being active...and my attention span. I realize I will likely never get that back!
Movement? Has quieted down quite a bit, normal for right now nearing the end. Has spurts of energy, but not as "tough". Hiccups still once or twice a day.
Food Cravings: cereal and apples
Anything make you queasy and sick? nothing right now
Gender Prediction: ???????? Boy???????????
Labor Signs: Sometimes I begin to wonder. Braxton's are picking up in frequency and definitely in length (at least 1 an hour while awake and 60-90 seconds long). Occasionally I get them about 5-10 minutes apart, but they go away after an hour. The pelvic/pubic pain of baby's head right behind it. Makes it very painful to walk up the stairs at home or to stand and begin to walk immediately. Takes some time to adjust and let things "settle".
Symptoms: minor shin swelling, linea nigra.
Belly Button in or out? in but stretched!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy, but tired.
Looking forward to this week: A weekend with the girls at my Moms and seeing Angela and 3-month old Axel! Getting our changing table on Friday, the last piece to the nursery!
Had a 36 week check up at 36 weeks and 1 day last Friday 11/9. Since we were heading into week 37, my doctor said that if things were to progress, she wouldn't stop me. At that appointment, I was found to be 50% effaced, dilated to 1 cm and baby was at a station -2 (this is above engagement, engagement is at station 0, and +4 is considered crowning). At that time, I was having some pelvic floor pressure, but nothing horribly uncomfortable.
After the appointment I had contractions and "cramps" for about 2 hours. Since then, the past few days baby has dropped more. The discomfort has now turned into the pain many women describe: the 'bowling ball' lodged behind your pubic bone pain. I know, sounds glorious, but its part of the process and it sounds like first time moms feel it the most. Just means we are ever closer to meeting this little person. My doctor said she could almost feel the baby's head, so I am interested to see what tomorrow's appointment beholds. I realize as a first time mom, I could sit this way for weeks. I also say 'you know your body best' and they way things are happening and what's happening and other things I've been feeling (I won't go into detail-may be too much for some readers), I have a feeling we might see this baby before it's due date. Again, I may likely be completely wrong!
I have the 37 week check up tomorrow (Friday 11/16) and will update again after that.
How far along? 37 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 17.5 lbs (....almost 3 pounds down from last week....)
Maternity Clothes? yes
Stretch marks? just on the hips. Not much different than pre-pregnancy.
Sleep: comes and goes completely. Some nights are great and sleep through the night with frequent repositioning. Other nights, my hips and back hurt so much I want to cry or I'm up every hour going to the bathroom. Completely varies.
Best moment this week: seeing my high school girlfriends. Had such a great time catching up!
Miss Anything? just being active...and my attention span. I realize I will likely never get that back!
Movement? Has quieted down quite a bit, normal for right now nearing the end. Has spurts of energy, but not as "tough". Hiccups still once or twice a day.
Food Cravings: cereal and apples
Anything make you queasy and sick? nothing right now
Gender Prediction: ???????? Boy???????????
Labor Signs: Sometimes I begin to wonder. Braxton's are picking up in frequency and definitely in length (at least 1 an hour while awake and 60-90 seconds long). Occasionally I get them about 5-10 minutes apart, but they go away after an hour. The pelvic/pubic pain of baby's head right behind it. Makes it very painful to walk up the stairs at home or to stand and begin to walk immediately. Takes some time to adjust and let things "settle".
Symptoms: minor shin swelling, linea nigra.
Belly Button in or out? in but stretched!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy, but tired.
Looking forward to this week: A weekend with the girls at my Moms and seeing Angela and 3-month old Axel! Getting our changing table on Friday, the last piece to the nursery!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
36 Weeks...countdown to 28-30 days to D-Day.
28-30 days to D-Day! 7 days until full-term
36 week appointment is tomorrow late afternoon and will update after that with any news (which I don't anticipate quite yet). Having much more Braxton Hicks lately. At least hourly throughout the day, haven't been woken by any at night since last Saturday. Last Saturday, for about 30 minutes, I had pretty strong lower abdominal cramps with low back pain that resolved on its own. Nothing like that since.
The chiropractor with my massage therapist has really helped me "loosen up" a bit and I have noticed baby beginning to drop. The real drop, pressure and pubic bone pain and all :) Last month stretch! Going to enjoy these last few weeks as much as I can. Best part about delivering right before Christmas, I get to put up our tree and decor BEFORE Thanksgiving because there will be zero time afterward with a newborn in the house. Just a few extra weeks of "Christmas" at the Kraemer household! I did purchase a stocking for the baby, so we will be able to put that up with the two dog stockings and of 5 I guess you could say.
How far along? 36 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 20.2 lbs
Maternity Clothes? yes
Stretch marks? just on the hips. Not much different than pre-pregnancy.
Sleep: pretty minimal, but seem to manage just fine. Abdomen gets sore, even with pillows propped, so sitting up has felt much better. I'm sure I'll be sleeping in the recliner on the couch permanently soon. Bonus for Mike? He gets the bed to him self and hopefully can catch some good shut eye!
Best moment this week: finishing the nursery for the most part. Needed to know we would be set and OK if little one made an earlier than expected appearance.
Miss Anything? just being able to be active around the house. The challenges are worth it though!
Movement? Still have quite a bit, but they are farther and few between. When baby is awake, s/he is awake and moving like crazy. But there are more rest periods it feels in between now.
Food Cravings: cereal and apples?!?! Weird.
Anything make you queasy and sick? nothing really
Gender Prediction: ???????? Boy???????????
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks and more pelvic pressure/discomfort, nothing seeming imminent though
Symptoms: minor shin swelling, linea nigra.
Belly Button in or out? in but stretched!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy, getting more and more excited!
Looking forward to this week: seeing my high school girlfriends and some of their moms at a small baby shower my friend Becky is hosting. It'll be great to see everyone, especially since there are a few new little ones as well!
36 week appointment is tomorrow late afternoon and will update after that with any news (which I don't anticipate quite yet). Having much more Braxton Hicks lately. At least hourly throughout the day, haven't been woken by any at night since last Saturday. Last Saturday, for about 30 minutes, I had pretty strong lower abdominal cramps with low back pain that resolved on its own. Nothing like that since.
The chiropractor with my massage therapist has really helped me "loosen up" a bit and I have noticed baby beginning to drop. The real drop, pressure and pubic bone pain and all :) Last month stretch! Going to enjoy these last few weeks as much as I can. Best part about delivering right before Christmas, I get to put up our tree and decor BEFORE Thanksgiving because there will be zero time afterward with a newborn in the house. Just a few extra weeks of "Christmas" at the Kraemer household! I did purchase a stocking for the baby, so we will be able to put that up with the two dog stockings and of 5 I guess you could say.
How far along? 36 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 20.2 lbs
Maternity Clothes? yes
Stretch marks? just on the hips. Not much different than pre-pregnancy.
Sleep: pretty minimal, but seem to manage just fine. Abdomen gets sore, even with pillows propped, so sitting up has felt much better. I'm sure I'll be sleeping in the recliner on the couch permanently soon. Bonus for Mike? He gets the bed to him self and hopefully can catch some good shut eye!
Best moment this week: finishing the nursery for the most part. Needed to know we would be set and OK if little one made an earlier than expected appearance.
Miss Anything? just being able to be active around the house. The challenges are worth it though!
Movement? Still have quite a bit, but they are farther and few between. When baby is awake, s/he is awake and moving like crazy. But there are more rest periods it feels in between now.
Food Cravings: cereal and apples?!?! Weird.
Anything make you queasy and sick? nothing really
Gender Prediction: ???????? Boy???????????
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks and more pelvic pressure/discomfort, nothing seeming imminent though
Symptoms: minor shin swelling, linea nigra.
Belly Button in or out? in but stretched!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy, getting more and more excited!
Looking forward to this week: seeing my high school girlfriends and some of their moms at a small baby shower my friend Becky is hosting. It'll be great to see everyone, especially since there are a few new little ones as well!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
35 Weeks. Full Term in two weeks!
So who is next.....Emily or Alisha?! Waiting as patiently as they are likely to hear of the news :) Baby shower with family and some friends went very well this past weekend. Began the collection of baby/childhood books and got some much needed items for baby! Everyone was super generous and couldn't of asked for more kind people to bless our lives! I get to see some high school girlfriends and a few of their mothers in less than 2 weeks too. Should be a great time considering it's been well too long for a few of us! My 34 week appt last Friday went well. Baby is head down still and blood sugars are great. OB said "I can barely call you a diabetic." Too bad I can't stop finger pricking yet! I've been a little more lax on checking them since diet is controlling it and the weight gain is right on track. Next appt is 11/9 and then weekly every Friday after that until baby comes or if OB wants to see me more (who wouldn't? haha)
Not sure when I get checked next as far as dilation/effacing goes. I'm thinking probably at 37 weeks? I'm making her check me then anyways as my husband will be out of town for a little while when I hit 38 weeks and just need a little reassurance I hopefully won't have to call him to come home from hours away!
How far along? 35 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 19.5 lbs
Maternity Clothes? yes
Stretch marks? just on the hips. Not much different than pre-pregnancy.
Sleep: back to maybe 3-4 hours. Something to just get used to now :)
Best moment this week: seeing all the little baby stuff from the shower. Feeling little one's hiccups twice this week (well third time as I'm typing this now). S/he happens to punch my right hip bone when they get them.
Miss Anything? being able to walk more than 50 yards without pain in my hips!
Movement? Very active certain times of the day.
Food Cravings: sugary foods.
Anything make you queasy and sick? back pain
Gender Prediction: ???????? Boy???????????
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks, but not as a labor sign quite yet.
Symptoms: minor shin swelling, linea nigra.
Belly Button in or out? in but stretched!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy, getting more and more excited!
Looking forward to this week: began seeing the chiropractor again to help "loosen" these bones up a bit to relieve some pain and hopefully help ease labor slightly.
Not sure when I get checked next as far as dilation/effacing goes. I'm thinking probably at 37 weeks? I'm making her check me then anyways as my husband will be out of town for a little while when I hit 38 weeks and just need a little reassurance I hopefully won't have to call him to come home from hours away!
How far along? 35 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 19.5 lbs
Maternity Clothes? yes
Stretch marks? just on the hips. Not much different than pre-pregnancy.
Sleep: back to maybe 3-4 hours. Something to just get used to now :)
Best moment this week: seeing all the little baby stuff from the shower. Feeling little one's hiccups twice this week (well third time as I'm typing this now). S/he happens to punch my right hip bone when they get them.
Miss Anything? being able to walk more than 50 yards without pain in my hips!
Movement? Very active certain times of the day.
Food Cravings: sugary foods.
Anything make you queasy and sick? back pain
Gender Prediction: ???????? Boy???????????
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks, but not as a labor sign quite yet.
Symptoms: minor shin swelling, linea nigra.
Belly Button in or out? in but stretched!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy, getting more and more excited!
Looking forward to this week: began seeing the chiropractor again to help "loosen" these bones up a bit to relieve some pain and hopefully help ease labor slightly.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
34 Weeks
First off....congratulations to the Hoeft Family on their third little one, Lucas Gus. Lucas was due on 10/23/12 and born on 10/21/12 at 11:20pm. Proud parents Rachelle and Tony and big sisters Elizabeth and Evelyn! Baby #4 of 14 born September - May!
How far along? 34 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 18.1 lbs (been down and up week to week, but still consistent with what I'm suppose to gain)
Maternity Clothes? yes
Stretch marks? just on the hips. Not much different than pre-pregnancy.
Sleep: awake here and there, but not having the insomnia I had weeks ago. Just do alot of turning as my belly has been sore.
Best moment this week: getting some of the big baby items taken care of. Still need to put together the rest of the nursery though....
Miss Anything? having my rib space without a heel or two stuck under them
Movement? Very active certain times of the day.
Food Cravings: sugary foods.
Anything make you queasy and sick? just the overall being uncomfortable as we both run out of space. Heels stuck in my right ribs in the front and back really hurt and at times almost bring me to tears. I know, I know...nothing like labor! But nonetheless, it does hurt!
Gender Prediction: ???????? Boy???????????
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks, but not as a labor sign quite yet. Got a ways to go.
Symptoms: minor shin swelling, linea nigra has become more prominent on the lower half of my belly. Not bad, but I see it more now than ever. Sciatica has been worse on my right side, making walking painful or sitting/standing for longer times. I've begun to perfect my waddle...occasionally after I standing I get that "bowling ball" feeling in my pelvis and starting to walk takes a minute or two to adjust.
Belly Button in or out? in but stretched!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy - but uncomfortable. Enjoying this last stretch, but also getting ready to meet this little person.
Looking forward to this week: baby shower on Sunday and a much needed massage on Saturday!
Total Weight Gain: 18.1 lbs (been down and up week to week, but still consistent with what I'm suppose to gain)
Maternity Clothes? yes
Stretch marks? just on the hips. Not much different than pre-pregnancy.
Sleep: awake here and there, but not having the insomnia I had weeks ago. Just do alot of turning as my belly has been sore.
Best moment this week: getting some of the big baby items taken care of. Still need to put together the rest of the nursery though....
Miss Anything? having my rib space without a heel or two stuck under them
Movement? Very active certain times of the day.
Food Cravings: sugary foods.
Anything make you queasy and sick? just the overall being uncomfortable as we both run out of space. Heels stuck in my right ribs in the front and back really hurt and at times almost bring me to tears. I know, I know...nothing like labor! But nonetheless, it does hurt!
Gender Prediction: ???????? Boy???????????
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks, but not as a labor sign quite yet. Got a ways to go.
Symptoms: minor shin swelling, linea nigra has become more prominent on the lower half of my belly. Not bad, but I see it more now than ever. Sciatica has been worse on my right side, making walking painful or sitting/standing for longer times. I've begun to perfect my waddle...occasionally after I standing I get that "bowling ball" feeling in my pelvis and starting to walk takes a minute or two to adjust.
Belly Button in or out? in but stretched!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy - but uncomfortable. Enjoying this last stretch, but also getting ready to meet this little person.
Looking forward to this week: baby shower on Sunday and a much needed massage on Saturday!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Maternity Pictures SNEAK PEEK
Sneak peak of maternity pictures that were taken on 10/07/12 around the Waconia area. 31.5 weeks along.
Photography by Maren Delaney Photography. Can also find her on Facebook.
Photography by Maren Delaney Photography. Can also find her on Facebook.
33 Weeks
Things are moving and changing over the past week. We are 82.5% through the entire pregnancy and 46.2% through the 3rd trimester. Baby K will be considered full term in 28 days on 11/15/12. Only 51 days until due date! Baby bump has grown, although a picture hardly justifies how I 'feel' in the abdomen area! Alot of aches and stretching going on as baby puts on about a 1/2 pound per week right now. The nursery has been painted, Nemo switchplates for the light switch and outlets are on their way to our doorstep, crib and dresser are put together. Just waiting on the changing table to come into stock at the location we ordered from. Then it's CLEANING time.
I just started working from home a little bit this week. So that's yet another change occurring in our household. Hunting season is in full swing and Mike is enjoying getting his time in duck and pheasant hunting right now and gearing up for deer opener in 17 days. Time is going by very fast right now!
I want to let everyone know that my friend Stacy W and her husband Ben had their little girl on 10/17/12! 8lbs 1 oz and 22 inches long, Eleanor Clarice entered the world at 1:15pm. She was due on 10/18/12, very close indeed. You can see the Entry Shout Out to All The Little Ones for updates on the 14 of my friends and I that are due within 8 months of each other for birth announcements when they occur. Due dates are all listed as well as the actual birth days!
How far along? 33 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 20 lbs
Maternity Clothes? yes
Stretch marks? just on the hips. Not much different than pre-pregnancy.
Sleep: been a little better since allergies have begun to clear. Was able to go from 4 pillows down to 3 last night under my head.
Best moment this week: completing the nursery painting and have the furniture assembled. Feels better to know things are coming together.
Miss Anything? breathing!
Movement? Quite a bit, but only in short periods. Now is the time where things get a little cramped and movement slows. It does scare me sometimes because it can be hours before I feel baby move again since the last time.
Food Cravings: sugary foods. Splurge here and there in between meals, but trying to keep it under control yet as I'm still checking blood sugars.
Anything make you queasy and sick? the abdominal stretching pain/aches that are happening the last 2 days.
Gender Prediction: ???????? Boy???????????
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks. Again, still several times daily. Chugging water does not help, so it's just prep for that time when labor does begin.
Symptoms: just a swollen belly and minor shin (pre-tibial) swelling
Belly Button in or out? in but stretched!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy - but uncomfortable. Enjoying this last stretch, but also getting ready to meet this little person.
Looking forward to this week: just some much needed relaxation time.
I just started working from home a little bit this week. So that's yet another change occurring in our household. Hunting season is in full swing and Mike is enjoying getting his time in duck and pheasant hunting right now and gearing up for deer opener in 17 days. Time is going by very fast right now!
I want to let everyone know that my friend Stacy W and her husband Ben had their little girl on 10/17/12! 8lbs 1 oz and 22 inches long, Eleanor Clarice entered the world at 1:15pm. She was due on 10/18/12, very close indeed. You can see the Entry Shout Out to All The Little Ones for updates on the 14 of my friends and I that are due within 8 months of each other for birth announcements when they occur. Due dates are all listed as well as the actual birth days!
How far along? 33 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 20 lbs
Maternity Clothes? yes
Stretch marks? just on the hips. Not much different than pre-pregnancy.
Sleep: been a little better since allergies have begun to clear. Was able to go from 4 pillows down to 3 last night under my head.
Best moment this week: completing the nursery painting and have the furniture assembled. Feels better to know things are coming together.
Miss Anything? breathing!
Movement? Quite a bit, but only in short periods. Now is the time where things get a little cramped and movement slows. It does scare me sometimes because it can be hours before I feel baby move again since the last time.
Food Cravings: sugary foods. Splurge here and there in between meals, but trying to keep it under control yet as I'm still checking blood sugars.
Anything make you queasy and sick? the abdominal stretching pain/aches that are happening the last 2 days.
Gender Prediction: ???????? Boy???????????
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks. Again, still several times daily. Chugging water does not help, so it's just prep for that time when labor does begin.
Symptoms: just a swollen belly and minor shin (pre-tibial) swelling
Belly Button in or out? in but stretched!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy - but uncomfortable. Enjoying this last stretch, but also getting ready to meet this little person.
Looking forward to this week: just some much needed relaxation time.
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